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Have you or your business been falsely or maliciously attacked?

Defamation claims are on the rise. In today’s modern society, with the widespread use of social media, online reviews and instant access to customer feedback, it is now easier than ever for people to make defamatory statements which harm a business or individual’s reputation.

There is no single definition of what constitutes a defamatory statement. The difference between a negative and a defamatory comment boils down to the facts, the harm caused, how the statements have been relayed to the wider public and whether an online reviewer has, for example, posted an untruth or is deliberately misleading the reader.

We have seen instances where negative reviews have been posted by people who have not had a relationship directly with the business concerned but for whatever reason felt it appropriate to vent their own or another person’s frustration online.

Defamation that is likely to cause serious financial and reputational damage to an individual or business may need forceful and immediate action to stop any ongoing damage being caused.

We are very experienced in this area and understand the harm, upset and stress that defamatory comments can cause. Our expert team can guide you every step of the way, including getting the matter taken to court if necessary.

Get in touch with our expert team today by clicking here.

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