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Kate Thomas


Kate is a Partner and the Head of our Family Department. She is one of Wales’ most highly regarded Family Lawyers.

Kate has been a Partner at Harding Evans since joining 5 years ago, having been a Partner at her previous firm for 10 years. She is both a member of the Advanced Family Panel and Children Panel. Her most recent application for renewal of her Children Panel Membership was commended by the Law Society as an excellent application. She is also highly rated by the Legal 500 Experts Directory.

Kate has a career of some 23 years specialising in Family Law for 21 years. Her expertise is in Matrimonial, Financial Remedy Proceedings and Private Law Children Proceedings and is an excellent choice if children issues overlap with separation or divorce.  She has acted in relation to high value complex and high profile cases including cases which have involved celebrity clients including the wife of a high profile sports star and a well-known actor. She has immense experience and a phenomenal reputation in her field.

Secretary – 01633 760678

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